The Royal Academy of Arts
Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BD
What an experience to dine amongst masterpieces such as Michelangelo’s Taddei Tondo and Giampietrino’s copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, along with paintings by Reynolds, Kauffman, Thornhill, Constable, Gainsborough, and Turner in the new Collection Gallery. Maybe theme the menu around The Last Supper for an additional immersive twist?
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The John Madejski Fine Rooms
Standing: 250 | Seating: 100
Cost of space to hire: £POA
Main Galleries, Gallery 3*
Standing: 800 | Seating: 250 | Theatre: 250
Cost of space to hire: £POA
*summer exhibition only
Collection Gallery, Burlington Gardens
Standing: 200 | Seating: 100
Cost of space to hire: £POA
The Sir Hugh Casson Room
Standing: 100 | Seating: 60
Cost of space to hire: £POA
The Benjamin West Lecture Theatre
Seating: 230
Cost of space to hire: £POA
The Academicians Room
Standing: 60
Cost of space to hire: £POA
General Assembly
Seating: 24 | Theatre: 40
Cost of space to hire: £POA
Did you know?
The Royal Academy is home to Britain’s longest-established art school and offers free tuition to all who study there. For over 250 years, it has been run by the Royal Academicians: artists and architects elected by their peers in recognition of their exceptional work. Every year since 1768, they've held an annual Summer Exhibition, the largest open-submission art exhibition in the world.